First of all, excuse us for the absence! You all know that at times, life gets a bit busy. But thankfully here we are standing firm and strong!
The youth's schedules have been pretty busy these past weeks! We have celebrated Mother's Day, Pastora's birthday, we had our Spiritual Family service, and just this Friday, we had our long awaited and anticipated Vigil.
The least we can say is that this Friday's vigil was an answer to our prayers and we know that God spoke directly to many people. We are thankful to God for having his presence with us on that night, for it was clear confirmation that our work is not in vain. How many of you believe it? And like Friday's theme said, sometimes we get overwhelmed by all we do, but the Lord tells us the put things in his hands, and he will make us REST. How wonderful is He?
Brother Nelson (the vigil's preacher) is a servant of the Lord that is dedicated to helping the youth, and we can honestly say that God used him to speak to us about matters that truly touched and inspired us.
We know you have stories to share, and we would love to hear them! Tell us your stories of how God touched your life this Friday, either through comments or email. You might just be featured right on the Blog!
Please make sure to visit our
Photo Album to see all kinds of pictures from recent events! And remember if you have taken pictures and you want them to appear on the little slideshow that is playing at the corner, please send them to us at
God bless and stay strong! =D
(*Pronto pondre version en Espanol)