El mundo nos ofrece cosas que parecen ser buenas y beneficiosas, ¿pero realmente que nos esta pasando cuando nosotros ignoramos a Dios?
Alejados de el, talvez parezca que nada pase, pero piensa el lo que pasa en tu alma y espíritu… Tu alma clama a Dios, y te pide a ti que regreses a el. Tú tienes el control de decidir como vives tu vida. ¿Harás la decisión correcta?
Te invitamos a ver nuestro drama “De la Tiniebla a la Luz”, dirigido por Perla Hernández, en:
24100 S. Avalon Blvd. En Carson, CA,
Marzo 6 @ 7PM
Todos están invitados y bienvenidos. Ven a una noche de alabanza, adoración, palabra y enseñanza. Te esperamos… No te lo pierdas.
The World offers us many things that look nice and appealing, but have you ever stopped to think what is really happening to us when we choose to ignore God?
When we push Him away, it might seem superficially that nothing is happening but think about what’s going on with you soul and spirit. Your soul calls out to God and begs you to return to His presence. You have the power to choose how to live your life. Will you make the right decision?
You are invited to view our short play “From Darkness to Light”, directed by Perla Hernandez, which will be presented at:
24100 S. Avalon Blvd. in Carson, CA,
March 6 @ 7PM