Saturday, October 8, 2011


We took a little trip with the youth today to spread the word about the campana... God blessed us in so many ways, and it was a great experience, for both beginners and experts ;)

& because we got hungry after all the hard work...

& we of course could not leave out this lovely picture of our beautiful girls...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

AJAIC Confraternidad - March 25th

Don't miss out! It will be AMAZING!

March 2011 Antorcha

Hello all!!! I bet most of you are familiar with this already, but every month the directive of RDS Youth prints out a newsletter that we call "La Antorcha de la Juventud"!  Our church prints out a weekly schedule that they call the Antorcha, and our very own Jennifer Estrada began publishing one for the youth in 2007! Since then it has been in production and this year marks it's 4th year anniversary! How cool is that? Since then, the kid's & the women's groups of RDS have started they're own as well... They're super informative, and fun to read!!!

For those who have not seen March's edition yet, and so that you can see it in full color (it looks beautiful in color), HERE IT IS!!! Thanks to Brian and Ruthy who are producing it this year!

If you have any ideas for stories, or you want to write or take photos for the antorcha, send us a comment or an email, or a message on our FaceBook!!!

Click on the pages to download! =)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Friendship Potluck!

Thanks to everyone who made it out this night. We love you!

A big THANKS to everyone that participated!!! And, a even BIGGER THANKS to the team that helped set up!!! Didn't it look soooooo cute? :) Click here to see more photos!

AJAIC Convention 2011

It only comes once a year!!! On Friday, February 4, the youth of RDS along with all of the other wonderful youth of AIC gathered together at Templo Shalom in Long Beach for a night of worship, recognitions, and holy spirit as we celebrated the AJAIC Convention as well as AJAIC's 50th anniversary!

This night was truly special.  A sanctuary full of youth willing and eager to worship our Lord and Savior! A perfectly executed service led by the AJAIC leaders that glorified Him!  We celebrated the 50th anniversary of AJAIC (Asociacion de Jovenes, Asambleas Iglesias Cristianas), where they recognized past presidents and relived wonderful memories through videos, photos, and stories.

(there is our Julie who served as AJAIC president in the past!)

The youth were also recognized for their hard work in 2010!  Our lovely RDS was given a trophy for always being willing to help and participate.  Congrats youth... I am proud!

Also, congrats to Greta for her recognition for leading the AJAIC choir! Anyone remember that? :)

The following day elections were held for the new directive of 2011.  Congrats to them, and head on over to the AJAIC blog for more info.

As always, it is an honor and blessing to be a part of these events.  These are the times that we will become treasured memories later in our lives. Lord, thank you for loving us so much and letting us have this opportunity.

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth..."
Ecclesiastes 12:1

Check out more photos from that night courtesy of AJAIC Blog!

Sunday, February 6, 2011



"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34,35)


In a previous post, Claudia requested that we should ask GOD for an even bigger blessing this year.
On Saturday, February 2, 2011, an even bigger blessing it truly was. We took worship to the next level. Instead of our "routinely especiales" we extended worship time.
We expressed our love to GOD for a whole hour.
We worshiped and expressed how we believe in him, and what he will do in us, we asked for him to lavish his power and presence on us. It was an unforgettable and indescribable feeling.
One thing was for sure, God's presence was roaming in our youth and church that night!

In a month where we are studying about LOVE, we ask ourselves...WHAT IS LOVE?

Through our Saturday (2/2/11) Night Preacher "Reina Navarrete," we were reminded that the Bible indicates that love is from God, in fact, the Bible says God is love.
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:8)


[The Greek word translated "love" in the New Testament is "AGAPE." So how is "agape love" different? Unlike our English word “love,” agape is NOT used in the Bible to refer to romantic or sexual love. The basis of "agape love" is self-sacrifice.] (details)

In other words, agape love is a selfless kind of love that involves giving without expectation of anything in return.

God's love was demonstrated when He sent His Son into the world to “seek and save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10), and to provide eternal life to those He sought and saved. His son (Jesus Christ) paid the ultimate sacrifice for those He loves. That is the greatest act of love there is of which can never be compared or replaced.

God asks for us to love one another.


In the same way, we are to love others sacrificially. Preacher Reina made a point when she stated that we cannot love unless we learn to forgive. For God has never stopped loving us, yet is willingly to forgive us when we sin.

When we learn to love others like God loved us, it is then we can say that we know the true meaning of love!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

AJAIC Convention!

Don't miss this Friday and Saturday AJAIC's convention!!! Read more about it on AJAIC's blog...

My Personal Goals

In our very first youth service of the year on January 8th, we wrote down our top 5 spiritual goals we wanted to accomplish during the year.  These were mine:

  • Read the bible daily
  • Pray in the morning and at night
  • Pray before my meals
  • Talk to others about Jesus
  • Learn new songs

It's always good to challenge yourself and see how far you can go.  I posted my goals right on top of my computer so that I can see them all the time... It makes me make sure I don't forget about the promises I made as I started the year!  So far, I have read the bible a bit more than before (still haven't reached the daily thing), I have been praying every day, I STILL have trouble remembering to pray before my meals (help!), I am growing courage to share the gospel, and I have learned a couple new songs!!!

What were your goals for the year & how are they coming along?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Time to Set New Goals!


Today was our ever-anticipated first service of the 2011-2012 year!!!  We thank God for his word and what he did tonight.



Through Greta we learned that it's time for us to stop wasting time in things that are not letting us grow spiritually, and to open up our minds and hearts because sometimes we may be asking God for something and he is aswering us and we don't even notice it, because we are too caught up with our every day lives.  She also taught us that although last year's blessings were amazing, it's time for us to set new goals that will let us achieve even greater accomplishments.


Last year was such a great blessing, but let's make this year an even bigger one.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nuestros Agradecimientos...

A la directiva saliente del 2010... Les agradecemos por todo su arduo trabajo... No seriamos nada sin ustedes!!!

Que el señor los bendiga siempre!!!


Claudia Navarrete


Karla Chavez



Ruthy Chun



Brian Borrayo



Onan Lopez



Letty Mendoza



Jennifer Estrada

Vocal 1


Abelmain Garcia

Vocal 2


Mirna Gamboa

Vocal 3

Y de la misma manera una calurosa bienvenida a la nueva directiva 2011!!!
(falta Ruthy)

Que el Señor nos use en este año de una manera inolvidable!


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